Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ways to live life peacefully...

Here are some ways to Live your Life more peacefully... :)

1. Make a commitment to change: Changing your mindset is one of the most difficult things you will ever do but not only can you do it, putting in the work will change your life. Approach each day with a purpose and ask yourself, “What is it that I want to achieve today?” Maybe it’s getting through the day without arguing or not allowing anyone to get under your skin. It could be something as simple as drinking more water in an effort to feel healthier. Each time you find yourself “going negative” think of your goal and use it as inspiration to keep moving forward.

2. Take Control of Your Life: You cannot know the best path to take if you have no idea where you want to go. Sit down and think about 5-10 things you want to achieve and then brainstorm 5-10 ways you can work on them daily. For example: If you want to broaden your social network you can start volunteering, ask friends to introduce you to new people, hold a cocktail party at your place and invite people over or join a class of some kind and invite other students to coffee.

3. Don’t Take Shortcoming’s Personal: We don’t always know why other people do what they do but too many of us take nasty comments, betrayals and hurtful responses personally. Understand that we are all different people with different communication styles, boundaries and value systems and that we are all solely responsible for what we choose and chose not to do and say. Yes, people will hurt you but to re-victimize yourself by taking the blame for bad behavior is toxic to joy.

4. Stay Grounded: We can’t always walk away from situations and people immediately but we can make a choice as to how much we allow them to affect us. Sure, with so many people yelling, judging, stirring and projecting, it can be tempting to throw your dignity to the side and join the chaos but he or she who stays calm, centered and focused is the one who will make it out of the storm in one piece.

5. Cut out Toxic People: Good people do bad things but if you have someone in your life that consistently steps on your boundaries and makes you feel bad about yourself,-even if they don’t mean to- they aren’t allowing you the chance to be your best self and live your best life. It’s not always easy to say goodbye or set boundaries with people who have walked all over you (and they don’t react well when you do) but having people like this in your life is like sipping a bit of poison every day. No wonder you never feel healthy and strong.

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